扫描核探针技术作为一种重要的微区原位无损痕量分析手段 ,广泛应用于地学与环境、生物与医学、微电子、材料与冶金科学以及艺术与考古学等研究领域。文中简介该技术在仪器装置、分析技术到地学应用方面的新进展 ,并将之与其他微区分析技术的性能特点进行了对比 ,最后讨论了该技术的未来发展和更广泛的地学应用问题。
As an important trace\|element micro\|analysis technique, scanning nuclear microprobe is applied broadly in many fields, such as geosciences and environmental sciences, life sciences, microelectronics, materials and metallurgical sciences, arts and archaeology, and so on. In this paper, the recent developments on microprobe facilities, analytical techniques and its applications in geosciences are reviewed. The last decade saw a great progress on microprobe facilities and analytical techniques. Especially external microbeam\|PIXE system, high energy heavy ion microprobe(single cell irradiation system) were developed in many laboratories. Besides, portable PIXE, Grazing\|Exit PIXE and multi\|function sample chamber were developed. As to its geological applications, there was a wide extension both in scope and depth. The studies of extra\|terrestrial samples provided new knowledge about the early history of the solar system and primary geological processes. The micro\|distribution of trace elements among coexisting minerals and fluid inclusions gave valuable information for the studies of a range of geological environments and ore forming processes in magmatic\|hydrothermal system. The distribution of trace elements and precious metals in ore samples presented basic data for mining and metallurgy. In addition, the major performances of various micro\|analysis techniques, such as SEM, EMP, TEM, AEM, SR\|XRF, LA\|ICP\|MS and SIMS are compared. Finally, the future developments and potential applications in geosciences of scanning nuclear microprobe are discussed.
Earth Science Frontiers
"十五"国家专项课题"中国大洋矿产资源研究开发"(DY10 5 0 10 40 5 )