目的 :探讨中药伍用银杏达莫注射液治疗椎 -基底动脉供血不足性眩晕的疗效。方法 :对椎 -基底动脉供血不足性眩晕 74例 ,以益气、活血、通络作用的方药伍用静滴银杏达莫注射液治疗。结果 :中药伍用银杏达莫注射液治疗 ,总有效率达 93 2 4 %。结论 :中药伍用银杏达莫注射液治疗椎
Objective :To investigate the effect of TCM and Ginkgo Dypyridamolum combined to treat dizziness caused by insufficient blood supply of vertebral and basilar artery. Methods :74 cases with dizziness caused by insufficient blood supply of vertebral and basilar artery of Traditional Chinese Medicine with Ginkgo Dypyridamolum injection according to the principle of Qi nourishing,Blood warming and Meridians dradging. Results :The total effectiveness was up to 93 24%. Conclusion :Traditional Chinese Medicine combined with Ginkgo Dgpyridamolum injection is effective for dizziness caused by insufficient blood supply of vertebral and basilar artery.
Liaoning Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine