目的 了解下肢多发性骨折内固定治疗的意义。方法 系统回顾 1995~ 2 0 0 2年间手术治疗的 132例下肢多发性骨折 ,对 2 83处骨折中 2 39处行内固定治疗。分析了不同时间、不同内固定方法的利弊。结果 132例中 10 6例疗效优良 ,2 6例疗效差 :截肢 1例 ,术后感染 5例 ,畸形愈合 4例 ,延迟或不愈合 8例 ,关节僵硬或强直 6例 ,内固定物断裂 1例 ,去内固定后再骨折 1例。结论 下肢多发骨折早期有效的内固定治疗疗效明显并可减少全身并发症的发生。
Objective To understand the significance of internal fixation in the treatment of multiple fractures in low extremities.Methods One handred thirty two multiple fractures in low extremities with surgical treatment from 1995 to 2002 have been reviewed systematically.Of the 283,239 fractures were managed with internal fixation.The benefit and the shortage of different methods of the operations as well as when the operation was done were analyzed.Results Among 132 patients,106 acquired good results from the operation,26 had dissatisfied results,ones leg was amputated,5 had infection after the operations,4 had deformity healing,8 had delayed healing or unhealing,6 had joint stiffness or ankylosis,1 suffered from breakdown of internal fixation,1 had fracture again after the internal fixation was discharged.Conclusion Effective internal fixation has significant effect on the treatment of the multiple fractures of low extremities in early stage,and can decrease the incidence of conplications on whole body.
The Journal of Bone and Joint Injury