夏洛蒂·勃朗特与萨克雷分别塑造了家庭女教师形象 :简·爱与利蓓加。这两个人物形象同中有异 :她们所处的时代 ,社会出身 ,人生道路大致相同 ,但在褒贬色彩和形象内涵方面有着明显的不同。这种差异性则主要是由于创造形象的作家萨克雷与夏洛蒂·勃郎特性别不同造成的。作家性别的不同会对女性形象的塑造产生重要影响。
Charlotte Bronte and William M.Thackeray respectively created govemess images in their works:Jane Eyre and Rebecca.There are some similarities as well as some differences in the two characters.The age of their life , birth status and their careers are,in general,the same.But they differ in the image content,the positiveness and negativeness to them by the authors.The differences are caused by the gender of the authors who created the images.The genders of the authors play an very important role in the formation of women imagss in their novels.