合同无效制度历来为各国民商立法所重视 ,因为它直接影响着社会经济的发展。在指出我国旧有的合同无效制度中存在的问题的基础上 ,对 1999年 3月 15日第九届全国人大第二次会议通过的《中华人民共和国合同法》(下称《合同法》)确定的合同无效制度进行深入论述。指出 :旧法所规定的合同无效制度极不合理 ,最突出的问题是 ,合同的有效条件过于严荷 ,而无效合同的范围过于宽泛 ,这直接阻碍了社会主义市场经济的发展 ;《合同法》对旧有的合同无效制度进行了改革和重构 ,使合同无效制度趋于完善。笔者认为 ,从世界范围来看 ,尽量放宽合同的有效条件 ,尽量缩小无效合同的范围 ,已成为历史潮流 ,我国合同无效制度也必将随着社会的进步而日臻完善。
The contract invalidation system is always emphasized by civil commercial lawmaking in each country. There, it has direct influence to the social and economic development. On the basis of discussing the issue of the old contract invalidation system in China, this article has focused discussion on the contract invalidation system established by The Conytract Law of PRC ratified in 1999. It is pointed out that the contract invalidation system determined in the old law is extremely unreasonable and its effective conditions are over strict while the scope the effective contract is loose and that will directly prevent the socialist economy from development. The Contract Law has considerably reformed and restructured the old contract invalidation system so as to ensure the system become perfect. The author thinks that from the world's scope it is a 'tidal current' that the validation condition is becoming loose and invalidation condition is gradually reduced as much as possible, and the contract invalidation system of our country will be developed to be perfect with social progress.
Journal of Gansu Radio & Television University