结合世界果树生产状况与贸易形势 ,分析了我国果树生产的世界地位及竞争潜在优势和主要问题 ,提出了我国果树定向生产目标、出口优势种类和开拓国际市场的主要方向。建议降低乃至取消水果生产的税收、加大生产科研与推广经费投入、改善果树种类和品种结构、增大生产单位的生产规模并发展新型果树专业合作组织 ,以提高果树生产技术水平、改善果品质量并重点开拓东南亚和俄罗斯等国的国际市场 ,来提高我国水果产品在国内国际市场上的竞争能力和促进我国果树生产的健康发展。
This paper reviews the fruit production and it's marketing in the world. The irnportance of Chinese fruit production over the world and the competition of Chinese fruit products in international marketse are analysed; the key problems of fruit production in China are discussed. The goal of directional cultivation, the priority of fruit species and main countries to export are suggested for the fruit production in China in the future: the government should reduce the tax revenue of fruit products, put more important budget into scientific researches on fruit science and technology, improve the crop composition of fruit species and cultivars, increase the dimension of individual fruit farm, develop cooperative organization in fruit production, apply and popularize modern and advanced techniques and management in orchards, improve fruit quality and open up the international markets in the East and South Asia and in Russian Federation to increase the competition of Chinese fruit products in national and international markets and to enhance the development of fruit production in China.
Journal of China Agricultural University