在整个世界经济增长放缓的情况下 ,2 0 0 2年 ,我们宏观调控着力点还是以扩大内需为主。为了更好的贯彻中央扩大内需的方针 ,应正确认识和妥善处理好内需与外需、投资与消费 ,以及投资与消费各自的内部比例关系。要坚持以内需为主 ,保持一个适当的外贸依存度 ;在注重投资需求的同时 ,要加大对消费需求的激发力度 ,以保持经济的长期稳定增长 ;要在加大政府投资的同时 ,重视民间投资特别是非国有投资的作用 ;要逐步改变城乡居民消费水平差距拉大的局面 ,下大力气减轻农民负担 ,增加广大农民的收入。
With the slowing down of the development of the world economy, the mark of emphasis of the domestic macroscopic economic control in the year of 2002 is to expand the domestic needs. In order to carry out the central government's principle for expanding the domestic needs, we should deal with the relations between domestic needs and foreign needs, investment and expenditure, and the relation between the respective proportions of investment and expenditure. The domestic needs ought to be stressed and maintain a proper depending degree of foreign trade. At the same time pf stressing investment needs, we are to take measures to stimulate the needs of expenditure so as to keep up the steady growth of economy. The government investment should be expanded, as well as the nongovernmental investment, especially non-state investment. The situation of broadening of the income difference between the town and the country is to be changed. Much should be done to reduce the burdens of the peasants, and to expand their income.
Journal of Weifang Educational College