“高职”教学质量评价是提高“高职”教学质量的重要手段之一。评价要坚持以人为本、全员性、系统性和实践性原则 ,评价的项目应包括学生、同行、教师自评和听课、教学工作检查、考试考核、毕业生质量信息反馈等。研究与实践证明 ,“高职”教学质量评价使质量信息及时得到反馈 ,使“高职”教学质量不断得到提高 ,从而促进“高职”教育的进一步发展。
The evaluation of the higher vocational teaching quality is one of the important means of improving higher vocational teaching. The evaluation needs the maintaining of the principle that mankind is essential and the other three of wholeness, systematization, practicalness. The evaluation items should include the feedback information from the students and colleagues, self-evaluation, that from listening to the class, teaching check, examinations, and the quality information from the graduate students. Research and practice show that the system of higher vocational teaching can feedback the quality information continuously in order to improve the higher vocational teaching, and promote the further development of higher vocational teaching.
Journal of Weifang Educational College