福州市社区服务业发展很快,已经初步构建了社区服务网络,取得了阶段性成果,但发展中还存在一定困难。因此, 要抓住当前社区服务业发展的大好时机,发挥社区服务业的发展优势,采取措施,确实推进福州市社区服务业的发展。
The community services is developing very fast in fuzhou, where the community services network has been preliminarily constructed. We have formed our own ways of community servicing and gained some useful experiences. However, there still exists some difficulties in the development. Therefore, we should take the great opportunity of developing the community services, bring the predominance into full play. and make endeavors to speed the development of community services in Fuzhou.
Journal of Minjiang University