对于爱国主义 ,传统的教育方法主要是从德育方面入手对受教育者进行教育。但是据受教育者普遍反映 ,这种教育方法理论性偏强、生动性不够。本文从另一个角度———美学的角度来谈及爱国主义 ,并推而广之 ,浅谈美育与德育的关系。
In the teaching of patriotism, the traditional method mainly focuses on educating the students from moral aspect. But according to the students, this method puts much emphasis on the theory while it is not vivid enough. This paper attempts to talk about patriotism from another angle-aesthetic angle, and extend discussion to the relationship between aesthetic education and moral education.\;
Journal of Urumqi Vocational University