从中国证券市场的情况看 ,以国有控股公司为主体的上市公司 ,基本上代表了我国产业结构的发展水平。因此 ,抓住上市公司 ,实际上也就抓住了山西产业结构调整的关键。为此 ,我们以统计数据为基础 ,用实证研究的方法 ,对山西省上市公司的情况进行了分析 ,将对山西经济结构的调整产生重要作用。
Judging from the general situation of China's security market, the listed corporations with state-owned holdings as the dominating force literally stand for the present state of the country's industrial structure. A good command of the listed corporations, therefore, is the key in understanding the approach to industrial restructure of the province. Taking statistics as the base and making use of empirical analysis, we studied the conditions of the province's listed corporations and tried to throw some light on the economic restructuring of the province.
Journal of Shanxi University of Finance and Economics
山西省归国留学人员科研基金项目 (晋留管办发 (2 0 0 2 ) 16号项目
第 6 5号 )