文章介绍了现有的地铁车站疏散时间的计算方法及其不足 ,提出了用计算机仿真模拟来得出疏散时间的新方法。其采用的仿真系统建立在元胞自动机技术的基础上 ,以概率的方法对疏散群体中的个人建模。而影响疏散过程的各种因素 ,如能见度、拥挤程度、以及人的不同心理状态等 ,都以参数的形式在仿真系统中加以反映。通过对地铁车站人员疏散过程的仿真模拟 ,可以获得疏散的时间和动态过程 ,从而评价及优化车站的布局及疏散预案。
In this paper, the calculation method for existing evacuating time of metro station is introduced and its deficiency is mentioned as well. The new method by computer simulation is presented then. Based on the cellular automaton, the simulation system is modeled for individual in evacuating group by possibility theory. Besides, various factors influencing the evacuating, such as visibility, crowd density and psychological status of persons are listed in terms of particular parameters in the system. With the simulating tool, evacuating time and dynamic process can be obtained, and station layout and evacuating plan can be evaluated and optimized.
Modern Tunnelling Technology