为了提高描述水文时空变化的精度 ,结合我国北方实际干旱半干旱流域的实际水文资料 ,以水动力学理论为基础 ,采用已推导出的坡面流、壤中流和地下水的一维偏微分简化方程组来进行产汇流模拟计算 ,并且针对北京市怀柔水库流域的水流运动规律和水文特点 ,建立了以水动力学方程为基础的分布式降水径流模型。该模型比概念模型的精度明显提高。
In order to improve the precision of time and space variations in hydrological calculation, runoff yield_and_concentration simulation is conducted by analysis of the actual hydrologic data of arid and semi_arid basins in the north of China, on the basis of hydro_dynamic theory, and adoption of deduced one_dimensional partial_differential equations simplified for slope flow, subsurface flow and underground flow. The distributed rainfall_runoff model is also established on the basis of hydrodynamic equations by aiming at the water flow movement rule and hydrologic characteristics of Huairou Reservoir Basin of Beijing City. The precision of the model is much more improved compared with conceptual model.
China Rural Water and Hydropower