改革开放以来,我国主要依靠《技术出口暂行办法》来维持技术出口秩序。2002年元旦实施的《中华人民共和国技术进出口管理条例》确立了技术出口中审批制和登记制这种宽严结合的管理模 式,这表明科学规范的管理体制建立起来了。随着技术出口的进一步发展,我们要更关注促进和 规范技术出口的有关配套法律法规政策的制定。
It was the Provisional Regulations on Technical Exportation that our country was mainly according to maintain the order of technique exportation since the reforming and opening policy had been put into practice. The Regulations on Technical Importation and Exportation enforced in the early of 2002 has established novel regulation pattern combining with examination system and registration system, which reflects that the standard and scientific regulation system has been built up. With the further development of exporting of technique, we should pay more attempts to make laws and formulate policy, which will help to form a complete set to regulate and promote the work of exporting of technique.
Hebei Law Science