
现代法治的困境及其出路 被引量:84

The Rule of Law in Modern Society: Dilemmas and the Way Out
摘要 在现代社会 ,神治、德治和人治都逐渐失去了基础 ,法治成为主要治道。现代法治在消解社会冲突与整合社会秩序方面发挥了重要作用。但现代法治自身却存在以下五种困境 :封闭与开放、内信与外迫、确定与无常、普适与特惠以及规则与事实。摆脱困境的根本出路在于调整社会结构、社会关系和社会价值 ,组建自愿共同体 ,走向共同体法治。 In the modern society, the rule of god, the rule of morality and the rule of man have all gradually lost their basis, while the rule of law has become the main method for administering a country. Although the rule of law in modern time has played an important role in reducing social conflicts and maintaining social order, it is faced with the following dilemmas: closure and openness, internal belief and external pressure, certainty and uncertainty, universality and particularity, and norms and facts. The fundamental way out of these dilemmas lies in adjusting social structure, social relations and orientation of social value by building autonomous communities and moving towards the rule of law in the communities.
作者 高鸿钧
机构地区 清华大学法学院
出处 《法学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2003年第2期3-31,共29页 Chinese Journal of Law
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