联合国宪章中没有任何关于宪章解释的主体及效力的条款 ,这为宪章的解释权留下了不确定因素。基于国际法关于条约解释的理论和多年来联合国各机构及会员国对宪章的解释实践 ,现实中已经形成这样一种状况即 :会员国对宪章规定的解释若能达成一致意见 ,这种意见就构成权威解释 ;联合国各机构对宪章的解释只有获得普遍接受 ,方可成为对宪章有关条款的有拘束力的解释。此外 ,国际法院在宪章解释中的地位正在呈上升趋势 。
The United Nations Charter does not contain any provision on the subject and the effect of the interpretation of the Charter, thereby leaving uncertainty as to the interpretive power of the Charter. The paper, based on the relevant theories and practices, gives an in-depth analysis of the problems relating to the interpretation of the UN Charter by organs and member states of the UN and puts forward the following arguments: the interpretation by member states, if agreed upon by all UN members states, constitutes authoritative interpretation; the interpretation by the organs the UN becomes binding only if it is universally accepted; the International Court of Justice is playing an increasingly important role in the interpretation of the UN Charter.
Chinese Journal of Law