采用天然磷矿石及其改性产品对水溶液中铅离子和镉离子的去除进行了对比研究。天然磷矿石能够有效地去除水溶性铅离子和镉离子 ,在强酸介质条件下对铅离子的去除效果最好 ,而对于镉离子 ,在弱酸或中性的介质中去除效果达到最佳 ;改性后的磷矿石能够在广泛的pH值范围内对铅离子具有良好的去除作用 ,显著地提高了对铅离子的去除能力 ,但是对镉离子的去除没有明显的改善 ;最后指出 ,磷矿石对铅离子和镉离子去除差异的根本原因是其对铅离子和镉离子去除机理的不同。
We comparatively investigated the removal of lead ion and cadmium ion in aqueous solution by natural phosphorite and its modified product. Natural phosphorite can remove aqueous lead and cadmium ion efficiently, and the influences of pH on removal of these two ions are different. Strong acid conditions make the removal of lead ion reach best, but as to cadmium ion, in the weak acid or neutral conditions, it gets optimum removal. The modified product can remove lead ion better at an extensive pH range, and improve the removal capacity greatly, while it can not improve the aqueous cadmium removal. At last we indicate that the difference between the removal of lead ion and cadmium ion by natural and modified phosphorite lies in the different removal mechanism.
Techniques and Equipment for Environmental Pollution Control
武汉市科技局科技开发项目资助 ( 2 0 0 2 6 0 0 2 0 98)