利用能量为 85— 95MeV的1 6O束流 ,通过1 96Pt(1 6O ,5n) 2 0 7Rn反应布居了2 0 7Rn的高自旋态 .实验进行了γ射线的激发函数、γ射线的单谱、衰变谱和γ γ t符合测量 .建立了由 1 7条γ射线组成的2 0 7Rn能级纲图 ,并且基于实验测量的DCO系数建议了各能级的自旋值 .用一个f5 2 价中子空穴与2 0 8Rn核芯耦合定性地解释了2 0
High spin states of 207 Rn have been investigated via the 196 Pt( 16 O,5n) 207 Rn reaction at 16 O energies from 85 to 95 MeV using techniques of in beam γ ray spectroscopy. The measurements of γ ray excitation fuction,γ ray spectra,γ γ t coincidences and decay γ ray spectra were performed with 10 BGO(AC)HPGe detectors.Based on these measurements,a level scheme of 207 Rn with 17 γ rays is established. The spins for most of the levels in the scheme are proposed according to the results of measured γ ray DCO ratios. Comparing the structure between 208 Rn and 207 Rn, the low lying levels in 207 Rn are interpreted by coupling a valence neutron hole (f 5/2 ) to the excited states in 208 Rn core.
High Energy Physics and Nuclear Physics
国家自然科学基金 ( 10 0 75 0 62 )
国家重点基础研究发展规划 (TG2 0 0 0 0 7740 0 )资助~~