国际投资法制中的外资准入制度 ,已成为南北国家矛盾和冲突的焦点与难点问题。外资准入作为国家经济主权的重要内容 ,受到双边和多边投资立法的重大冲击。发达国家推动投资自由化的目的在于进一步削弱东道国特别是发展中国家对外资的法律管制。因此 ,发展中国家应积极参与在多边贸易体制下国际投资规则的制定 ,并力求在制定和实施过程中体现发展中国家的利益和要求 ,以避免投资自由化对本国经济安全可能造成的消极影响。
The international legal system of transnational investment has developed rapidly in recent years and the tendency in recent international investment treaties of weakening the foreign investment jurisdiction of and stressing the protection of foreign direct investment (FDI) host countries is becoming more and more obvious. While trying to promote international investment liberalization and to protect the interests of international investors, the international legislation of investment in the future shall guarantee appropriate regulation and control of foreign investment by the host country so as to contribute to the establishment of a new international legal order. It is significant and long-lasting for both the developed and developing countries to make a further study of the legal management and regulation of admission of foreign investment.
Modern Law Science