改革以来 ,浙江经济的发展态势令世人瞩目 ,因而浙江模式也在近年来引起社会各界的重视。本文对构成这一独特的制度变迁框架的基本因素 ,即 :重功利、重个体能力的价值观 ,自发性变迁为主的制度创新方式以及政府在制度变迁过程中发挥的职能作了简略分析 ;指出了浙江模式对我国 。
The development of Zhejiang's economy has been the focus of world attention since China's reform,to which people of all walks of life have attached importance in recent years.Attaching importance to success and profits,to the value of individual ability,self-change and the role the government plays constitute the basic factors in the change of its economic structure which this paper analyzes.Finally,this paper points out the implication of the Zhejiang Model for China,especially for the ongoing Western Development and for the perfection of the structure of Market Economy of China.
Guihai Tribune