
无产阶级专政的三个发展公式透析 被引量:5

An Analysis of the Three Formulas for the Development of the Theory of Proletarian Dictatorship
摘要 无产阶级专政理论从产生起已经历了三个发展公式:一是从"革命形式"的无产阶级专政发展到无产阶级专政的"国家政权"。这是无产阶级专政概念自身的逻辑发展公式,但无产阶级专政的概念存在外在形式上的不完美性和严重的内在逻辑缺陷,通常把社会主义国家的国体确定为无产阶级专政,在理论上根据不足,在实践上有害。二是从无产阶级专政到工农民主专政,再到无产阶级专政。这个公式事实上把小资产阶级即使没有当作首要的"专政对象",也是当作了专政对象的"主体",没有看到无产阶级专政自身的"不断扩大人民性"的发展方向,因而实际上它是在列宁关于无产阶级专政理论的某些误区的基础上形成的不完整的、非正向的发展公式。三是从无产阶级专政到工农民主专政,再到人民民主专政。这个公式最大限度地体现了无产阶级专政的人民性的发展方向,从根本上改变了从工农民主专政过渡到无产阶级专政的理论误区,创造了通过人民民主专政过渡到社会主义、共产主义的崭新道路和方向,是对无产阶级专政理论的重大发展,真正体现了马克思主义与时俱进的特点和品质。 The theory of proletarian dictatorship has undergone three changes with different formulas since it was put forward. The first formula predicts that proletarian dictatorship would develop from 'a form of revolution' to 'state power'. This is the so-called logical development of the concept of proletarian dictatorship. However, the problem with this formula lies in the fact that the concept of proletarian dictatorship is imperfect both in form and its internal logic because it has no theoretical foundation to use it as a form of government in socialist countries and it is even more harmful in practice for the countries that use it as a form of government. The second formula assumes that proletarian dictatorship develops from proletarian dictatorship to a form of democratic dictatorship by workers and peasants and then back to proletarian dictatorship. According to the logic of this formula, the petty bourgeoisie is taken to be the main object of dictatorship. Apparently, the problems in this formula lies in the fact it does not intend to extend the concept of 'the people' to include more and more people within this social class which is generally regarded as the basis of proletarian dictatorship. Actually it is an incomplete and negative formula that is based on some misleading views held by Lenin on proletarian dictatorship. The third formula posits that proletarian dictatorship undergoes the process of development from democratic dictatorship by workers and peasants to people's democratic dictatorship. This formula to a large extent embodies the positive trend of development for proletarian dictatorship to have an increasingly broader support from the people, a process that may guarantee the smooth transition from the people's democratic dictatorship to socialism and communism. This is both a development of the theory of proletarian dictatorship and Marxism.
作者 张锡恩
出处 《山东大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 北大核心 2003年第2期117-125,共9页 Journal of Shandong University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)
关键词 无产阶级专政 发展公式 革命形式 国家政权 逻辑发展公式 工农民主专政 人民民主专政 proletarian dictatorship logical fallacy the democratic dictatorship by workers and peasants misleading theory the people's democratic dictatorship development trend three formulas for development
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