重症急性呼吸综合征 (SARS)在我国开始流行时称为非典型肺炎 ,关于其病原研究似乎初露端倪。虽然有发现副粘病毒和衣原体样颗粒的报道 ,但现有研究资料提示新型冠状病毒可能是主要致病元凶 ,其他病原在SARS中起什么作用仍有待研究。本文着重讨论病原的鉴定和可能的检测技术。
Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) was called as atypical pneumonia at its initial epidemic in China. It appears that we are at the edge of finding the pathogen(s). Although there were a few reports about detection of paramyxovirus and chlamydia_like particles from the patients, most of the reports about the pathogen of SARS pinpointed the possible criminal to a newly evolved coronavirus. The role of this virus and other described pathogens in SARS is in urgent needing of further studies. In this review the identification of the pathogen and possible methods for detecting coronavirus were discussed.
Bulletin of the Academy of Military Medical Sciences