采用两台摄像机JVC980 0对山东省 2 0届田径运动会男子甲组跳高冠军尹学利跳最好成绩 2 .11米时的起跳技术进行现场同步拍摄 ,运用爱捷运动反馈录像解析系统进行分析 ,并与国外优秀跳高运动员进行比较 ,结果表明 :尹学利的最后一步步长和内倾角过大 ,起跳脚着地和离地瞬间内倾角过大 (离地时为外倾 ) ,垂直加速距离短 ,腾起瞬间起跳腿的三关节没有充分蹬伸 ,腾起初速度的垂直分量小 。
By using two JVC9800 cameras and the feedback system of Aijie kinematic video,the tack off technique of Yin Xue-li,who was the champion of high jump in the 20th Sports Games of Shandong Province,was analysised and compared with foreign elite high jumpers.The results showed that the last step is long and the inside gradient of body is too large,while landing and taking off inside gradient of body is large ,vertical acceleration distance is short,vertical velocity of taking off is low,horizontal velocity of taking off is high.In addition,the driving of three joints of jumping leg is lower.
Shandong Sports Science & Technology