建立了基于分布参数及两相流理论的双蒸发器热力学模型 ,经采用此模型对双联变频空调系统稳态特性及双蒸发器间耦合关系作仿真研究发现 ,双蒸发器的耦合关系是膨胀阀流量分配及共同的出口压力相互影响造成的 ,在固定的压缩机频率和过热度下 ,随A阀开度的增大 。
Establishes a distributed parameter model of double evaporator based on two phase flow theory. Using this model simulates and analyses the steady state characters and coupling relationship between the two evaporators. Finds that the coupling relationship can be attributed to the flow distribution ratio between the two expansion valves and the effect of the pressure at the common outlet and that there is a maximum value for refrigerating capacity and COP respectively when increasing the authority expansion valve A at given compression frequency and overheat.
Heating Ventilating & Air Conditioning