本文抽取了 82例粪检肝吸虫卵阳性病例作为腹部肝胆道的超声显像研究对象 ,详细观察及分析了华支睾吸虫病的肝胆道的声像表现 ,华支睾吸虫病的超声特征表现为 :大多数呈弥漫性的肝内胆小管扩张 (三级、四级及更远端分支明显 ) ,肝管壁回声增粗、增强 ,仅少数 (约 9% )病例肝外胆总管中度或轻微扩张 ,部分病例在扩张的胆管内可见无声影 ,回声弱 ,可自发或随体位改变而漂游的回声灶。本文初步讨论了声像改变的机理 ,并与有关疾病鉴别诊断。
We have studied the liver and biliary tracts ultrasonographic findings in 82 persons whose stool were tested positively with Clonorchis sinensis ova,and analysized their features.The results showed:intrahepatic biliary tracts were widely expanded in most cases(grade Ⅲ,Ⅳ or showing distal branching).Reflection in their wall became bigger and stronger.In few cases(9%) extrahepatic bile ducts were lightly or moderately expanded,part of all cases has no spots,or weak spots,and drift reflecting spots with spontaneously or changing body.This paper has proposed the mechanism of the sonographic changes,and the diagnosis of related diseases.
Journal of Tropical Medicine