“眠眩”一词 ,如一般人的说法 ,属于连绵词 ,并且认为不可分训。但“眠眩”这个词单用与连用无异 ,正言与倒言无异 ,可以分训 ,且产生了与之相关联的一个大词族 。
The Chinese word Mianxuan, as it is well known, is a Lianmian word (a Chinese word consisting of two characters, often alliterated or rhymed), and it is generally believed that “mian-” is not separated from “-xuan” when the word is used. However, there are cases in which “mianxuan”, “mian” and “xuan” are separately used, and thus a family of words relating it is formed. The present paper is an attempt to discuss this family.
Journal of Chuxiong Normal University