从港、台、大陆 ,乃至世界华人电影业来看 ,十余年来 ,王家卫一直是一种奇迹、一种异数。由他执导的七部影片 ,无论是一开初挟武而来的江湖片 ,还是观众所熟知的怀旧色彩浓郁的文艺片 ,无一不成为圈内外风行效仿的经典。探索其成功奥秘 ,读解其作品底蕴 ,揭示其酷样手法背后的文化含义 ,从而以他的影像文本透视现代人普遍的生活际遇和精神困境。
For more than a decade, Wang Jiawei has been known for an outstanding film director in Hong Kong, in Taiwan, in the main land, and even in the world. His seven films, arranging in theme from the swordsman films at the beginning to the later well-known literary ones, are good examples to be followed in the filmdom. The present paper aims at giving a primary analysis to the theme and the cultural grade of his films.
Journal of Chuxiong Normal University