目的 观察中药红景天素 (Rhodosin)对实验性AD大鼠的防治作用。方法 连续 6周腹腔内注射D 半乳糖 ,双侧海马内注射Aβ1 4 0 造成AD大鼠模型。以Y 型迷宫、一次性被动回避实验检测大鼠的学习记忆行为 ,测定大脑皮层脂褐素含量以及海马线粒体膜流动性、SOD活性、MDA含量 ,电镜观察海马超微结构。结果 红景天素可显著改善痴呆大鼠的学习记忆障碍 ,明显降低痴呆组大鼠海马SOD活性、MDA含量及皮层脂褐素的含量 ,阻抑海马神经元的变性及凋亡。
Objective To study the protective and therapeutic effects of Rhodosin, the extranctant of medical plants named Rhodiola Sachinsis A.Bor, on the model rats of Alzheimer's disease(AD). Methods D galactose was intraperitoneally injected in Rats for 6 weeks and Aβ 1 40 was injected into both sides of the hippocampus to make AD models. Rhodosin was intraperitoneally injected in rats for 4 weeks to determine the protective and therapeutic effects on rats with AD.Y maze test and step though test were used to determine the ability of learning and memory. The content of lipofuscin in central cortex, the viscous coefficient of mitochondrial membrane, the activity of superoxide dismutase and the content of malondialdehyde in hippocampus were determined. And the apoptosis of hippocampus neurons was determined with transmission electron microscopy(TEM). Results The Rhodosin as an antioxidant significantly improved learning and memory deficits in rats with AD and reduced the increase in the activity of SOD, the content of MDA, the viscous coefficient and the content of lipofuscin to their normal levels, and it also showed the protective effects of apoptosis. Conclusion Rhodosin had preventive and therapeutic effects on rats with AD probably by affecting the free radical levels in rats.
Chinese Journal of Behavioral Medical Science
江苏省自然科学基金资助项目 (KJB310 0 0 4 )