吴越时期舟山寺院是中、日、韩三国间极其活跃的文化与经济贸易交往的结晶。这些寺院迎来送往了一拨 拨海外人士。他们携带佛教经籍入华,振兴了天台一宗,又奉请观音宝相回国,传扬了汉文化。
During the Wuyue period, the temples in Zhoushan is the marriage of the active culture and economic and trade exchanges between China, Japan and Korea. These temples were held the responsibility for both reception and send - off of one group of overseas personnel after another. They came to China with their Buddhist classics, which vitalized an ancestral hall in Tiantai. And they respectfully took the treasure statue of Buddha Guanyin to their own countries, which carried forward the Chinese culture.
Journal of Zhejiang Ocean University(Humane Science)