目的 探讨乳腺肿块细针针吸细胞学(FNAC)检查中可疑癌的诊断与临床病理关系。方法 总结1115例乳腺肿块FNAC检查中63例可疑癌的诊断标准及特点。结果 1115例乳腺肿块FNAC检查中,有328例获病理组织学对照,FNAC总正确率96.3%,总误诊率3.7%,假阴性率4.8%,潜在假阳性率1.7%。63例可疑癌占乳腺肿块的5.7%(63/1 115),正确率96.8%(61/63),误诊率3.2%(2/63)。结论 FNAC对可疑乳腺癌有较高确诊率。63例可疑癌中大多数为乳腺癌,良性病变少。
Objective To investigate the utility and accuracy of fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) in suspected cancer as well as its sensitivity, specificity and predictive value in the diagnosis of breast masses. Methods Data of 1115 breast masses undergoing FNAC were retrospectively analyzed. Results Histopathology was available in 328/1 115 cases. The overall accuracy of diagnosis was 96.3% , and the false negative rate, potential false positive rate and overall misdiagnositic rate was 4.8%, 1.7% and 3.7% respectively. Meanwhile, suspected cancer (63 cases) accounted for 5.7% of total breast masses. Conclusion FNAC is a very accurate tool for the diagnosis of suspected breast cancer. Contrast diagnostic results show most suspected cancer is breast cancer and less is benign lesions.
Central China Medical Journal