To investigate the decision-making and treatment information requirement for patients with cancer.Five hundred and one cancer patients from two tumor hospitals and some general hospitals in Guangzhou and the'Light of life'club of Guangdong answered the questionnaires with decision-making and experiences for treatments,in an'In-formation Preference Questionnaire for Cancer Patients'and a demographic questionnaire.Three hundred and eighty six of them answered questionnaires with decision-making and treatment information requirment and EPQ additionally.All data were analyzed in detail.Patients'experiences and preferences for treatment were significantly different.49.90%patients preferred to participate in therapeutic decisions,27.54%patients preferred to leave decisions up to doctors and21.56%pre-ferred their doctors and relatives to make therapeutic decisions.Many patients who were better educated preferred to partici-pate in therapeutic decisions.Patients'views impacted their needs for information contents and amounts,and the needs for di-agnosis and prognosis information.Patients'information needs for treatments were influenced by their education and occupa-tion.Those with higher degree and white collar preferred to get more therapeutic information relatively.[Conclusion]Doctors should provide information to cancer patients regarding their treatment properly according their needs and characters.
China Cancer