
硫酸镁治疗妊高征前后钙、镁及一氧化氮的相关性研究 被引量:10

Levels of Calcium, Magnesium and Nitric Oxide Before and After the Treatment of Pregnancy Induced Hypertension With Magnesium Sulfate
摘要 目的:研究妊高征患者静滴硫酸镁治疗前、后血浆中钙、镁、一氧化氮及红细胞内钙、镁浓度之间相关性,探讨妊高征离子紊乱的原因。方法:以正常晚期妊娠及妊高征患者各30例为观察对象,测定钙、镁采用原子吸收法,一氧化氮采用镉柱还原Griess试剂显色法。结果:治疗前妊高征组血浆中钙离子水平降低,一氧化氮合成减少,镁离子水平正常,红细胞内镁降低;治疗后血浆中钙、镁离子显著升高,一氧化氮合成增多,红细胞内镁升高。结论:妊高征患者红细胞内镁降低.使Ca2+ ATP酶活性受损细胞内钙离子堆积,细胞外钙离子缺乏,钙离子依赖型、结构型一氧化氮合酶(cNOS)活性降低,一氧化氮合成减少。低镁是导致妊高征钙、镁离子紊乱的基础。 Objective: This paper was designed to investigate the correlation between levels of calcium, magnesium, and nitric oxide in plasma and red blood cell of the patients with pregnancy induced hypertension (PIH) , before and after the treatment with magnesium sulfate. We also discussed the causes of ion disorders in PIH. Methods: We studied 30 women witli PIH and 30 healthy women in late pregnancy. The calcium and magnesium were examined by using atomic absorption method. The nitric oxide was determined by cadmium-colunm-reduction Creiss reaction. Results: In the PIH group, before treatment with magnesium sulfate, the level of calcium in the plasma decreased, but the level of magnesium kept normal. In the red blood cells, the magnesium sulfate, the calcium, and magnesium in the plasma increased significantly. The magnesium in the red blood cells increased. The synthesis of nitric oxide increased. Conclusion: The magnesium in the red cells of patients with PIH decreased, and the Ca2+ ATP enzyme was damaged . Therefore, the calcium accumulated in cells, and the calcium out of cells was deficient. The activity of calcium -dependent constitutive nitric oxide synthase decreased, and the synthesis of nitric oxide decreased. Lxw magnesium is the basic cause of disorders of ions like calcium and magnesium.
出处 《中国医科大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第2期136-137,142,共3页 Journal of China Medical University
关键词 一氧化氮 妊高征 硫酸镁 治疗 calcium magnesium nitric oxide pregnancy induced hypertension
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