“大禹治水”的故事流芳千古、有口皆碑 ;鉴于洪水的威力和治水的艰辛 ,后人用治水来比喻治国、治民的不易 ,其间所蕴涵的制度经济和技术经济涵义值得发掘。现代中国已经走向社会主义市场经济 ,一系列的制度建设和管理规范需要建立、健全和完善 ,而“大禹治水”所寓意的“公共选择”和“约束 -责任”乃至“选贤举能”的机制 ,至今亦不失其现代意义。
The Story of 'Da Yu Zhi Shui' has lasted for thousands of years. Bec ause it was very hard for them to control the flood, it is metaphorized to descr ibe the difficulties in governing the country, and the institutional and technic al economics meanings are very deep too. China has adopted market economy and se ries of rules and institutions need to be founded. So the story has its modern m eanings for the public choice, responsibility and choice of talents.
Journal of Southwest University for Nationalities(Philosophy and Social Sciences)
西南民族学院 2 0 0 2年度哲学社会科学预研课题