解决资金来源问题是构建养老保险制度的核心。马克思从剩余价值理论出发 ,正确认识到工人老年收入主要来源于物质生活资料的代际转移 ,是从剩余产品中支付的。而西方新古典学派提出的生命周期假说和隐含协议理论虽然也认识到养老金来源于在职劳动者的生产 ,但其更注重以资本主义的既定分配方式为前提 ,以个人心理分析为基础 ,把老年收入问题归结为个人如何分配运用自己的收入 ,使得一生收入的效用最大化。通过比较分析可以看出 。
The source of old-age pension is the corn of building endowment insurance system.Marx,on base of his surplus value theory.recognized that the income of old workers came from the genoration transfennation of material means of livelihood,that is to say it came from surplus products.But the newclassic econonfists,who believed in life period hypothesis and hidden agreement theory,didn't think so.They paid more attention to fixed capitalism distribution pattern,based on individual psychoanalysis,they classified tim issue of old persons'income into people's use of their income to get the maximum utility in life.'Fhrough the comparative analysis,we draw a conclusion that marx's view on the source of oldage pension is more scitific than the new-classic economists'cormnents.
Contemporary Economic Research