目的 了解医院内深部真菌感染情况,为预防和治疗医院深部真菌感染提供资料。方法采用回顾性调查的方法,对2001年医院深部真菌感染者进行研究。结果61例深都真菌感染者中,60岁以上有32人,平均住院时间67天;基础疾病为呼吸系统疾病的有19人,占31.15%,恶性肿瘤16人,占26.23%;病原菌以白色念珠菌为主,有34株,占55.74%;感染部位为下呼吸道者有31人,占50.82%。有39例患者在发生感染前使用了抗生素,其中二联及二联以上19例,占48.72%(19/39)。有8例患者在治疗性使用酮康唑时合用了强的松或地塞米松。结论对院内深部真菌感染应予以高度警惕,预防为主,合理应用抗生素及皮质类固醇激素,注意它们与抗真菌药物合用时的相互作用,保护患者的防御屏障,及时有效地控制院内深部真菌感染。
Objective To evaluate the nosocomial infection with deep fungi. Methods Nosocomial infection cases with deep fungi in 2001 in a hospital were investigated by retrospective methods. Results The average hospitalization time was 67 days, 19 patients (31.15% ) had respiratory system diseases, 16 patients (26.23% ) with malignant tumor, 34 strains (55.74% ) of pathogens were Candida albicans , the main infection site was lower respiratory tract, which accounting for 50.82% , 39 patients received antimicrobial agents before infection developed, 19 patients (48.72% ) used at least 2 kinds of antimicrobial agents, 8 patients used prednisone or dexamethasone when they received ketoconazole simultaneously. Conclusion The prevention of nosocomial infection with deep fungi is important, the antimicrobial agents and corticosteroid should be used rationally.
Chinese Journal of Infection Control