在实施科教兴国战略的过程中 ,作为知识创新、传播与应用和培养创新精神和创新人才摇篮的高等学校 ,面对新世纪对人才的需求 ,拓宽专业口径 ,改革人才培养模式 ,探索宽口径专业下培养适应社会需求的高质量人才 ,全面推进素质教育 。
Considered as the cradle of innovating,communicating and applying knowledge and training innovative personal,institutions of higher learning are facing up with the high demand of qualified personal for the new century.In the process of carrying out the Scientific and educational strategy to prosper our country,it is a very important task for institutes of higher learning to widen the specialty calibers,reform the pattern of training personnel and examine the quality of such personnel to increase students'capabilities for future jobs.
Journal of Liaoning Business Vocational College