目的探讨止消灵软膏对皮肤溃疡、烧烫伤的治疗效果.方法Wistar大白鼠深Ⅱ度烫伤动物模型实验,共40只,体质量(250±50)g,雌雄备半,随机分成5组,每组8只.80%止消灵软膏实验组,50%止消灵软膏实验组,25%止消灵软膏实验组,磺胺嘧啶银组,凡士林空白对照组.结果80%止消灵软膏组,50%止消灵软膏组,25%止消灵软膏组:20 d后多数创面基本愈合.磺胺嘧啶银组:创面情况略大于前2组,而小于25%止消灵软膏组.凡士林组:20 d后仍未愈合.结论止消灵软膏与磺胺嘧啶银治疗烧烫伤疗效显著,80%止消灵软膏、50%止消灵软膏的疗效与磺胺嘧啶银相似,前3组与25%止消灵软膏疗效有差异.
Objective The effects of Zhixiaoling ointment on burning and scald of skin. Methods The experimental research on Zhixiaoling ointment' s pharmacology. The animal skin in two degree model experiment of wistar big rats (offered by Bethune medical university). Results 80 % , 50 % concentration group respectively of Zhixiaoling ointment: most of the surface of wound are healed up twenty days late. SD-Ag group: the surface of wound is larger than 80 % and 50 % Zhixiaoling ointment group, but less than 25 % Zhixiaoling ointment group. Vaseline group: It isn' t cured twenty days late. Conclusion SD-Ag and Zhixiaoling ointment are greatly effective. The curative effect of 80% Zhixiaoling ointment and 50% Zhixiaoling ointmemt is similar to SD-Ag, but the three groups are different from 25 % Zhixiaoling ointment.
Journal of Beihua University(Natural Science)