氟是机体必需的微量元素之一 ,氟与人体生命活动及牙齿、骨骼组织代谢密切相关。但过量氟会引起骨骼的损伤 ,其病变较复杂 ,既有骨硬化、骨周化骨 ,又有骨软化、骨质疏松。为什么会引起形态多样 ,性质不同 ,甚至方向相反的病变 ,目前还缺乏氟对骨转换影响的透彻了解。近年来随着研究手段和研究方法的不断改进和提高 ,国内外诸多学者对氟引起骨转换改变所涉及的成骨细胞、破骨细胞 。
Fluorine is one of the essential microelement of human body. There are close correlation in fluorine and human body life activity, tooth and skeleton constitution metabolism. But overdose fluorine can cause skeletal damage, which lesion fairly complicated. There are only osteosclerosis, ossifying around the bone, but osteomalacia, osteoporosis. The reason why diversity form, different nature, even reverse lesion, recently we lack of clear understand in the effect of fluorine on bone turnover. Rescently with the investigation means and methods improved, many researches have been put up about fluorine on bone turnover related on osteoblast and osteoclast. Documents as follows.
Foreign Medical Sciences:Section of Medgeography
国家自然科学基金研究项目-氟对骨骼损伤机制的分子生物学研究 (3 0 160 0 79)