With the movement of tectonics, Bainaimiao copper-gold ore field underwent complex multiphase metallization the whole geological history. In this paper, has been studied and analysed in detail by comparing the geological characteristics of north with those of south ore zones of copper (molybdenum and gold) deposit and gold bodies which exist in the different tectonics, such as typomorphism of prite, alteration of county rock and so on. It's concluded from these reseraches that main elements for mineralization (Cu, Mo, Au) orig- inated from the county rock-Bainaimiao group with some Cu and Mo from the granediorite porphyry (386Ma K-Ar). As a whole, the copper deposit was the result of superimposition of multiphase metallization which could be described as early metamorphic hydrothermal-magmatic hydrothermal-remetamorphic hydrothermal, but there were many differdnts between the two zones. Haixi and Yanshan periods are important time for mineralization of gold. In Haixi period, a lot of prospects in uncomformity, shear zones and some EW or SN trending structural fractures were formed by filling of mixed hydrothermal of postmagmatic and metamorphic water. And in Yanshan period, it's mesozoic hydrothermal that filled Bainaimiao fault fracture zone, passing the source-bed and getting enomous quatities of Au-from there, in order to form Au-pbearing quartz veins.