目的 了解某区2694名干部患病及发病情况。方法 利用某区2001年3-5月2694名干部健康体检资料,分析几种对健康危害大的疾病的患病率、发病率。结果94.73%的干部患有一种以上慢性疾病。几种对健康危害大的疾病患病率依次是,慢性支气管炎(38.23%)、冠心病(37.86%)、高血压(36.38%)、肺气肿(22.46%)、糖尿病(16.04%),另外恶性肿瘤患病率为3.38%。发病率依次是,高血压(3.92%)、糖尿病(2.28%)、冠心病(1.30%)、胆结石(0.53%)、慢性支气管炎(0.36%)、恶性肿瘤(0.38%)。结论 该人群各种慢性病的患病率高,危害大,应加强干部疾病预防及保健工作。
Objective To investigate the sicking and disease occurrences of 2649 carders in a district. Methods The rate of sicking and the rate of occurrence of some harmful diseases were analyzed with the physical examinations of 2649 carders taken from March,2003 to May,2003 . Results 94.73% of the carders suffered from one or more chronic diseases.The rates of sicking ranged as follows: chronic bronchitis (38.23 % ), coronary heart disease (37. 86 % ), hypertension (36. 38 % ), emphysema (22. 64% ) ,diabetes( 16.04% )and the rate of sicking of malignant tumors was 3 .38% The rate of occurrence ranged as follows:hyper-tension(3.29%) .diabetes(2.28%) .coronary heart disease( 1.30% ),gall-stone(0.53% ) .chronic bronchitis(0.36% ),malignant tumor(0.38% ) . Conclusions Chronic diseases showed out a high rate of sicking in this group of people and were especially harmful. The work of prevention and of health care should be strengthened.