为向我国 2 2 0kV及以上电压等级的SCADA系统提供可靠性高、普遍实用、具有自主知识产权且性能价格比高的系统软硬件平台 ,结合计算机技术发展的最新成果 ,论述了基于Intel架构的PC服务器与Linux操作系统用于构建SCADA平台的必要性和可行性 ,同时提出了平台的构建方案。从电力系统中广泛存在的监控后台需求出发 ,讨论了现有Solaris/Sparc、MSWindows/Intel等多种方案的局限性 ,并针对PC的局限 ,着重论述了各项关键指标的解决办法。得出的结论是 ,采用该Linux操作系统构建的平台 ,可以降低成本 ,提高性能 。
In order to develop a general computer system with high stability,independent copyright and high price performance ratio,this paper discusses the necessity and feasibility of building a general SCADA platform on Linux/PC for power system and puts forward the scheme of building the platform on the basis of the newest technology of computer.According to the wide demands of SCADA in power system,this paper discusses the limitation of popular platrorms such as Solaris/Sparc and Windows/PC,and gives some important improvement to overcome this limitation.At last,the paper concludes that by using of the Linux/PC platform it is able to reduce the cost,to improve the performance and to satisfy the developing requirement of power system SCADA technology.