

Grasp the Gist and Act in the Spirit of the 16th Party Congress Take a New Leap over the Process of Enriching the People and Prospering the City——Reflections on the spirit of the 16th Party Congress
摘要 认真学习、深刻领会、全面贯彻十六大精神 ,为实现十六大确定的各项目标任务而奋斗 ,是当前和今后一个时期的首要政治任务。深刻领会十六大精神 ,必须围绕主题 ,把握灵魂 ,抓住精髓。全面落实十六大精神 ,必须紧紧扭住“第一要务” ,牢牢铭记“两个务必” ,深刻理解和自觉实践“三个代表” ,以改革的精神推进党的建设新的伟大工程 ;必须立足扬州 ,狠抓落实 ,求真务实 ,实现富民强市、建设名城的新跨越 ;在这一过程中 ,必须大力实施“科教兴国”战略 。 The first political task for us to perform at present and in the days to come is to earnestly study,deeply realize and fully carry out the spirit of the 16th Party Congress in order to achieve the objectives and to fulfil the tasks set at the 16th Party Congress.To fully realize the spirit of the Party Congress,we must centre on the central theme and grasp the gist of the report made by Comrade Jiang Zemin at the Congress.To fully carry out and act in the spirit of the Party Congress,we must deeply understand the significance of Three Represents' and promote the building of the Party.What we must do now is to set ourselves to the implementation of tasks and get down to earnest work so as to take a new leap over the process of enriching the people and prospering the city.To accelerate the process,we must adopt the strategy of making the country strong through science and education' to strive for a bright prospect of the new century.
作者 孙志军
机构地区 中共扬州市委
出处 《扬州大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 2003年第2期3-9,共7页 Journal of Yangzhou University(Humanities and Social Sciences Edition)
关键词 十六大精神 领会 落实 富民强市 “三个代表” “第一要务” “两个务必” the spirit of the 16th Party Congress understanding implementation enriching the people and prospering the city








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