在解读文学作品 ,尤其是散文时 ,一定要紧扣作者本人的情感世界 ,理解其人其文。在一些基本概念的界定、理解上务必要做到科学、准确 ,建立起科学的研究方法与严谨的研究学风。对于西方批评理论 ,我们应该通过中西整合成为我们从事学术研究的理论支撑。不加选择地“拿来” ,必然要造成对文本的误读与曲解。对于朱自清《背影》、《荷塘月色》
While reading literary works such as essays,we are supposed to put them in close relationship with writers'sensibility.The scientific methods of research must be applied and the meticulous and rigorous academic discipline must be advocated in defining and understanding some basic concepts.As far as the western theories of literary criticism are concerned,they should be integrated with the Chinese ones as theoretical supports in our academic research.The full and uncritical acceptance will certainly lead to the misreading and misinterpreting of texts.It is the same case in the researches on Zhu Ziqings works.
Journal of Yangzhou University(Humanities and Social Sciences Edition)