吴兴姚氏起自汉末、孙吴时期 ,此后长期衰微 ,仕途不畅 ,沦为“贱族”。然因其有文化 ,姚氏不仅得以保持“素族”的本色 ,而且在南北朝后期有所振作 ,至唐代宦位荣显。由于儒家文化的熏染 ,姚氏子弟多有忠义与孝义之行。就其家学言 ,姚氏早期以通晓儒家经术知名 ,南北朝后期注重文史 ,至隋、唐终得大成。同时姚氏精于医术 ,在北朝倍受重视 。
Yao family of Wuxing,emerging from the end of the Han Dynasty to the Kingdom of Wu,had a long decline and became an inferior family with a humble status.However,with the cultural background,the family not only maintained the characteristics of aristocratic family,but restored its status to some extent during the late Southern and Northern Dynasties and took a glorious political position in the Tang Dynasty.Gradually influenced by Confucianism,the family members practiced loyalty and filial duty.As to its domestic learning,Yao family was known for the familiarity with Confucian classics,later placed a special emphasis on literature and history in the late Southern and Northern Dynasties and finally achieved its aim in the Sui and Tang Dynasties.Meanwhile,Yao family was adept in medicine and was highly valued by the rulers of the Northern Dynasty,which offered an opportunity for the family to promote its social status.
Journal of Yangzhou University(Humanities and Social Sciences Edition)
江苏省哲学社会科学"十五"规划项目 (J2 -0 0 6)