管道断裂评定工作是管道系统安全运行的重要保证 ,应用计算机辅助手段进行油气管道断裂评定能够大大简化工程人员的工作 ,使断裂评定工作更趋科学化。重点分析了油气管道计算机辅助断裂评定系统的研究和开发 ,介绍了系统的设计原则、系统构成、总体设计、设计流程和系统的实现 ,并简要分析了系统评定过程及结果的可靠性 ,为管道断裂评定提供了科学依据。
The pipeline is one of the most important transportation tools of oil and natura l gas resources,and its anti-fracture property essentially influenced on safety of the whole pipeline transportation system. It is the scientific insurance for the safe operation of pipeline system to conduct the computer aided assessment o f oil pipeline fracture behavior. In this paper, the study on computer aided fra cture assessment of oil pipeline girth welds is carried out by means of assessme nt system developed by the authors. The research shows that the factors such as fracture toughness, mismatch between base metal strength and welding metal stren gth, and the initial crack condition are essentially effective on the fracture a ssessment of oil pipeline girth welds. The results provide a scientifically dire ctive for fracture assessment of oil pipeline.
Oil & Gas Storage and Transportation