目的 :探索以屈光要素中央角膜厚度CT (centralCorneaThickness)、前房深度ACD (AnteriorChamberDepth)、晶体厚度Lens(Lensthickness)、玻璃体腔深度V (Vitreousdepth)、眼轴长度A (Axis)、角膜屈折力CD (CorneaDiopter)的生物测量值推算 4~ 13岁儿童眼屈光度的方法。方法 :随机选取 4~ 13岁屈光不正儿童共 90人 180眼 ,经 1%阿托品眼膏连续散瞳三天后验光测得屈光度 ,用A超及角膜曲率计测得屈光要素生物测量值。经SPSS软件分折剔除不相关要素 ,得出屈光度、相关屈光要素间关系的多元线性回归方程。结果 :屈光度D与相关屈光要素CT (mm)、CD、ACD (mm )、A (mm)间关系的多元线性回归方程为 :D =90 12 4+2 3 45×ACD +2 2 5 2×CT -2 477×A -0 978×CD (R =0 93 7)。结论 :4~ 13岁儿童眼屈光度可以用ACD、CT、A、CD间接推算。
Objective:To explore a formula between the diopter (D) and central corneal thickness (CCT),anterior chamber depth (ACD),lens thickness (lens),vitreous depth (V),ocular axis (A) as well as corneal diopter (CD) of children at the age of 4-13,and to predict the diopter with the biometry data of refractive factors on the children. Methods:1% Atropine was applied to 180 eyes of 90 children at the age of 4~13 for three days successively.Then optometry for diopter,A-ultrasonic biometry for CT,ACD,Lens,V,A and keratometer for CD were run.The data was analyzed with SPSS to sum up a poly-variation liner regression formula that can express their quantitative relationship. Results:A poly-variation liner regression was got.The formula is D=90 124+2 345×ACD+2 252×CT-2 477×A-0 978×CD (R=0 937). Conclusions:The diopter of the children at age of 4-13 seems enable to be predicted through biometric data of ACD,CT,A,and CD.
Chinese Journal of Practical Ophthalmology