Digital images can be effectively enhanced by using histogram equalization. However the main limitations of the algorithm are the significant loss of gray levels and the lack of enough contrast enhancement ability in the processed image. In this paper, an algorithm of graylevelpreserving histogram equalization is introduced, which is performed on partially overlapped blocks. The simulation result shows that this method not only enhances the contrast, but also preserves the gray information. Furthermore, no sudden gray level changes occur between the adjacent pixels so that the processed image looks smooth and realistic. A novel method is also presented according to the image data and the human visual characteristics, which is used to effectively reduce the block effects caused by the block based histogram equalization. The simulation result shows that the improvement is obvious. To eliminate noise effects caused by overenhancement, another measure is taken to make the strength of contrast enhancement vary with the variance of subblocks. Experiments show that noise is reduced to some degree.
Journal of Shanghai University:Natural Science Edition