The Helium atom's energy of the ground state ((1s)2 configuration) a nd the first excited state (1s2s、1s2p configuration) can be calculated by using the Variation method. If using the Variation method to calculate the Helium ato m's energy of the second excited state (1s3p configuration), two problems arise : the first is that the two electrons of the 1s3p configuration of the Helium at om is on the different case, so the single-parameter method can't be used. Bein g far from the nuclear, the 3pelectron's influence on the 1selectron is very wea k, so the double-parameter method is too complicated. The second is that the or thogonality between the wave function of the 1s3p configuration and the ground s tate or the first excited state should be ensured. Considering the two points, a concrete way of calculating the energy of the 1s3p configuration is presented. The process of the calculation is practical and the result confirms experimental data.