Campbell collaborating network: International collaborating organization providing the best evidences for decision- making and education of public health
1lain Chalmers, Geraldine Macdonald, Jeremy Grimshaw etc "How might the Cochrane Collaboration facilitate international collaboration to prepare and maintain systematic review of the effects of social and educational interventions? A paper for the meeting at the School of public Policy, University College London, July 2000.
2The Campbell Collaboration -A brief Introduction.Available at URL: http://www. aic. gov. au/campbellcj.
3Social Psychology "Donald T. Campbell". Available at URL: http://www. aic. gov. au/campbellcj
4Campbell Collaboration Crime and Justice Review Group Available at URL: http://www.aic. gov. au/campbellcj
5Campbell Justice, London Financial Times Article on the Campbell Collaboration, August, 2001.
6Sackett DL, Sharon E. Evidence - Based Medicine: How to practice and teach evidence-based medicine. First edition. New York,, Chruchill Livingstone, 2000:1 - 10.