目的 探讨A型肉毒毒素V形对称注射法在面部除皱中的应用优势。方法 采用A型肉毒毒素V形对称注射治疗面部皱纹 ,注射点均在靶肌肉内呈V形排布 ,位置、间距对称 ,分布均匀 ,且精确定量。行A型肉毒毒素以V形对称注射法治疗面部皱纹的患者 1 1 6例 ,其中额部皱纹患者 49例 ,眉间部皱纹患者 2 3例 ,鼻背部皱纹患者1 1例 ,双侧鱼尾纹患者 33例。结果 1 1 6例患者中效果优良 96例占 82 .76 % ,满意 1 8例占 1 5 .52 % ,失败 2例占1 .72 %。无一例发生中毒、过敏、上睑下垂、复视、下睑外翻等严重并发症。结论 A型肉毒毒素V形对称注射治疗面部皱纹 ,注射点均在靶肌肉内呈V字形排布 ,位置、间距对称 ,分布均匀 ,且精确定量 ,能有效的防止并发症的发生 。
Objective To probe the advantages of administering V-shaped symmetrical injection of BTX-A for face lifting. Methods 116 female cases, of face crease were treated by BTX-A injecting symmetrically in V shape. They consisted of 49 cases of frontal stria, 23 glabella wrinkles, 33 fish tail stria and 11 cases of nose back. Results 96 achieved good effect, making a 82.7 per cent, 18 felt self satisfying, 15.52 per cent. Only 2 cases failed, that is 1.72 per cent. No serious complications as intoxication, allergy, blepharoptosis, diplopia or lower eyelid eversion occured. Conclusion In the treatment for face wrinkles with BTX-A injected symmetrically in V form, all the injection points were arranged in the target muscle in the shape of V. The positions and distances among them are distributed so symmetrically and evenly that serious complications can be greatly prevented and the actions of BTX-A will play to its makimum, the clinical result of it is quite effective.
Journal of Practical Aesthetic and Plastic Surgery